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Classroom Streaming

Welcome to our new reality! Those students who are required to remain at home due to self-isolation protocols are given the option to continue their learning at home through Classroom Streaming. 


About Classroom Streaming

Classroom Streaming is essentially the act of completing schoolwork at home while simultaneously being linked into the class via Zoom or other streaming apps. Classroom Streaming arose from a need due to our changing circumstances and unique situations.

Tropical Leaves

What do i need?

In order for Classroom Streaming to be as successful as possible, there are some key components that are required:

- An internet connection

- A internet-accessible device (Computer, iPad, etc) with access to Zoom and Google Apps

- Paper and pencil to write when needed

- A quiet space for the students to be able to hear the lessons as well as for me to be able to hear them

- I highly recommend using the internet browser 'Google Chrome' for Classroom Streaming as it is optimized for the apps and activities we will be doing

- A printer is extremely helpful but not required


Q: My son or daughter is trying to log onto their google account but we don't know their username or password

A: I have added each of their usernames and passwords on the front page of their agendas. If they do not have their agenda, please feel free to email me and I'll send you their information.


Q: They have added their username to login but it still isn't working

A: Ensure that they have added to the end of their username. 


Q: When I click on Google Classroom it gives me a screen saying "Class not found"

A: Please ensure that you are on your child's Google account. If the Google account is set to someone else's then the class will not appear.


Q: How do I switch Google accounts?

A: To ensure that you are on the correct account, check the top right-hand corner on Google Chrome and you will see a small circle. If you click on that circle, you will get a drop-down menu that offers you the different Google accounts from your computer or the option to add another.


Q: I can't hear the person talking on Zoom

A: Click the small arrow next to the microphone and click on 'Audio Settings'. From there, double-check your settings to ensure that you have it set up correctly.


Q: We don't have access to a printer. What can we do?

A: Students are welcome to simply look at the work on their device and then simply write their answers on a paper and send me a picture of their work via email. They are not required to print the page off if they do not have access to a printer.


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